Ultrasound Probe

Philips Ultrasound Probes And Transducers XL14-3

The XL14-3 also has the ability to visualize anatomy in amazing 3D/4D with easy-to-use ICON driven workflow. Clinicians can see directly into a vessel to evaluate plaque spatial location and composition, as well as 3D flow data to assess stenotic or tortuous conditions.

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SKU: XL14-3

Categories:2D Ultrasound Machine Probe and Transducer, Linear xMATRIX Ultrasound Probe and Transducer, General lmaging - Medical lmaging Equipment Probe, MSK & Pain Ultrasound Probe, Philips Ultrasound Probe and Transducer, Ultrasound Parts, Women's Health





Type of Array

Linear xMATRIX

Number of elements


Scanplane aperture

50 mm

Broadband frequency range

14-3 MHz


Compatible Ultrasound Systems:


Philips EPIQ 7


Philips EPIQ CVX