The GE 4Vc-D 3D/4D Phased Array transducer has a frequency range of 1.4 MHz. - 5.2 MHz. and supports the following applications: Cardiac, Contrast, Fetal Heart. The GE 4Vc-D transducer is compatible with: GE Vivid E9 0, E95 ultrasound systems.
Categories: 3D/4D Phased Array Ultrasound Machine Probe and Transducer, Linear Probe and Transducer, General lmaging - Medical lmaging Equipment Probe, GE Ultrasound Probe and Transducer, Ultrasound Parts, Women's Health, Cardiology
GE Healthcare Ultrasound transducers are designed for reliability and durability, and its newest 4D Matrix Cardiac Probe is no exception. With the GE 4Vc-D 4D Matrix Cardiac Probe, you can perform advanced exams like never before, such as:
On the GE Vivid E95, the GE 4Vc-D can even take advantage of GE's HDLive 4D imaging technology!
Compatible Ultrasound Systems: